Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday: Remember You

Hey! First I would just like to say, I am really, really, really sorry I didn't post yesterday or the day before. On Thursday I was busy, and on Friday I wasn't feeling well. :( 

So, as you can see by the title, today's song is Remember You from my absolutely favorite TV show, Adventure Time. This song is sung by the character, Marceline the Vampire Queen. I love, love, LOVE this song!! I will probably talk more about AT (Adventure Time) songs later for the category My Fave Songs. I might not post tomorrow, since I have some stuff to do. But, I'll blog ASAP, anyway. Bye!!!!

Hey guys!

As you can see on the blog description, it does not say Thursday's about parodies, but animals doing stuff with music. At first I didn't realize it's quite difficult to find actually clean parodies, and, I would just like to say thanks to my dad 'cause he gave me the awesome new idea :D. Keep Calm and Sing On! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday: Dark Horse

Today's theme is awesome music videos, and I personally like Katy Perry's Dark Horse. I like the song, and the music video. I also love Ancient Egypt, especially the myths, so that's probably some kind of influence. The video that has 02.20.14 is the trailer. The one with Katy(patra) is the actual music video. Enjoy! I obviously did. 
See ya tomorrow!! (I think. Derp.)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday: Amy Beach

This is more info about today's historic musician.

So, today I'll tell you guys about Amy Beach.

She was an American pianist and music composer.  She was born on Sept. 5, 1867 in New Hampshire. She died Dec. 27, 1944 in New York City. She married Henry Harris Aubrey Beach. She was the only woman composer of her time.
That's it for now. See ya latah!

My Blog

My blog is all about music, specifically, and in general. I hope you enjoy it. Keep Calm and Listen to Music! :D